
Blog posts about making comics, creating zines, life, and everything.

Bobby Funke on being misunderstood

Bobby Funke on being misunderstood

March 20, 2010 | Blog

Nobody’s misunderstood. That’s just what people say when they don’t like who they are. Bobby Funke, Assassination of a High School President

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Albert Munsell in living colour

Albert Munsell in living colour

March 12, 2010 | Blog

In the early 20th century, Albert Munsell invented a system for naming colours numerically by hue, value and chroma. A hundred years later, the Munsell color system remains internationally accepted, yet the only image that exists of it’s creator is a lousy black and white photo.

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Dream a little dream

Dream a little dream

January 5, 2010 | Blog

I don’t dream often, so last night was a surprise. A ragtag band of heros bring down a corupt corporation. They stack the executives like fire wood in the center of a round room with floor to ceiling windows. A crowd gathers inside and out to witness. The leader stands forward. “Do not work for […]

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Quentin Crisp on failure

Quentin Crisp on failure

January 3, 2010 | Blog

If at first you don’t succeed, failure may be your style. Quentin Crisp 

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Saint Nicholas vs Psycho Butcher. Fight!

Saint Nicholas vs Psycho Butcher. Fight!

December 25, 2009 | Blog

Okay, the story goes like this: it’s the 4th century, there’s a bit of a famine happening, and there’s this psycho butcher who decides to chop up a bunch of kids, salt the meat in barrels, and sell it as cured ham. Along comes Saint Nicholas, the generous Bishop of Myra, to help the needy. […]

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Thank Frigg it’s Friday

Thank Frigg it’s Friday

November 13, 2009 | Blog

Frigg, the Norse goddess of love and fertility, was banished to a mountaintop and proclaimed a witch once Christianity was embraced by Norse and Germanic tribes. There she lost her shit, and once a week she met with eleven other witches, and the devil to plan out the fateful misfortunes for the coming week. The […]

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Alexander Frehse

Alexander Frehse

October 18, 2009 | Blog

A tip of the hat to Alexander Frehse, inventor of the lemon meringue pie, and the subsequent lifetime of desert related over indulgence. 

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Early morning view from a train station

Early morning view from a train station

October 9, 2009 | Blog

At 6 am this morning, the view from the platform of the Fallowfield VIA Rail station was pure yesteryear. Track, waist high grass, then corn field stretching for a mile before blending into vague early morning darkness, and finally capped by the burly frame of the distant Gatineau Hills. If not for the staccato of […]

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Everyone can relax, I found the Ark of the Covenant

Everyone can relax, I found the Ark of the Covenant

August 20, 2009 | Blog

As it turns out, the Ark of the Covenant wasn’t so much lost as it was misplaced behind my furnace under a pile of vintage Playboy, and Molson stubbies. If you can move it, you can have it.

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Pecan butter tart

Pecan butter tart

June 24, 2009 | Blog

I intended to eat half of the pecan butter tart, but then it kind of broke while I was cutting it, and fell apart, so I felt bad that I’d done such a shoddy job of halving it, I mean nobody wants to see a busted up pecan butter tart it’s such a sad looking […]

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