
Comics created for Survival Anxiety Comics & Stories zine, and some that aren’t. The world is absurd, the universe infinitely so.

The Good Little Robot - The week that was - thumbnail The week that was
The Good Little Robot - Survey says - thumbnail Survey says
The Good Little Robot - Harmonica - thumbnail Harmonica
The Good Little Robot - Love and time and space - thumbnail Love and time and space
The Good Little Robot - Odds and ends and weeks that don't end - thumbnail Odds and ends and weeks that don’t end
The Good Little Robot - Hostage for the Holidays - thumbnail Hostage for the holidays
The Good Little Robot - Halloween Hassle - thumbnail Halloween Hassle
The Good Little Robot - Virus - thumbnail Virus
The Good Little Robot - Another week - thumbnail Another week
The Good Little Robot - Unarmed and dangerous - thumbnail Unarmed and dangerous