
Blog posts about making comics, creating zines, life, and everything.

Calm empowerment

Calm empowerment

April 5, 2012 | Blog

Last night I dreamt of the old farm. This morning I awoke with a feeling of calm empowerment. NICE WHILE IT LASTS.

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Save your sanity for later

Save your sanity for later

March 28, 2012 | Blog

The point is, you see, that there is no point in driving yourself mad trying to stop yourself going mad. You might just as well give in and save your sanity for later. Ford Prefect, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

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Douglas Adams effed it

Douglas Adams effed it

February 3, 2012 | Blog

Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all. Douglas Adams

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December 6, 2011 | Blog

I dreamt I was late for my Grandpa’s wake at the old church. UNSETTLING.

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Who made those muffins?

Who made those muffins?

November 24, 2011 | Blog

Red Riding Hood was set up. Discuss.

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The Devil went down to Georgia. And Verdana.

The Devil went down to Georgia. And Verdana.

November 16, 2011 | Blog

Why expand Verdana and Georgia typefaces? They were designed for low res displays, and work good around 10-11 pt, after which it’s a gong show. You know, a pig is a useful animal. It tastes good, and will dispose of an unwanted body. But don’t slap lipstick on it and expect it to be prom […]

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November 15, 2011 | Blog

In July Spare was screened as a very high risk for Trisomy 18. We had a gloomy chat with a genetic councillor, a tense ultrasound, and a slightly more tense amnio in Kingston. August 11th we got the full test results. NO TRACE OF TRISOMY 18. Go hug your kids folks, they’re pretty special people. […]

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Mouse attack

Mouse attack

November 12, 2011 | Blog

I awoke at 4 am to the sounds of The Mighty Killer pursuing The Rodent around the bed room. A resolution was soon reached. Kitty agreed to go have a nap on the bath mat, while the mouse agreed to be dead in the back yard forever. Everybody wins.

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Macintosh rabbit icon

Macintosh rabbit icon

November 10, 2011 | Blog

During work on the original Macintosh, Steve jobs refused an icon of a rabbit (meant to indicate mouse speed) as presented by Susan Kare because the bunny looked too gay. In her defence, they were in California.

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The Tragically Hip on design

The Tragically Hip on design

November 10, 2011 | Blog

I was in a lifeboat designed for ten and ten only. Anything that systematic would get you hated. Nautical Disaster, The Tragically hip

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