Rescue party

April 26, 2004 | Comics

The Good Little Robot - Rescue party - thumbnail

Robot just wants to be seen, man

In these comic strips, Robin gets a tip about a rescue party orbiting around Earth, and Robot tries to get their attention. It doesn’t go as planned (assuming there was a plan).

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What a week

March 15, 2004 | Comics

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Sometimes every day is a challenge, even for Robot

Sometimes every day is a challenge, even for Robot

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Little Birdie

February 23, 2004 | Comics

The Good Little Robot - Little Birdie - thumbnail

Robot is so popular!

In these comic strips Robot makes some new work friends, and learns about the (not so very top secret) government organization out to get him.

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January 26, 2004 | Comics

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It’s not like Robot tried to be stealthy

In these comic strips, Robot is discovered by a top secret government organization!

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First Christmas

December 31, 2003 | Comics

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Robot observes Christmas

In these comic strips robot experiences Christmas for the first time, and sees through the madness.

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Hang over

November 23, 2003 | Comics

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Robot has a night out and a day in

In these comic strips Robot discovers there is more to living on Earth than partying, and it’s not all great. It’s not all bad, either.

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Welcome to Earth

October 25, 2003 | Comics

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Robot has a bit of a day

In these comic strips, Robot crashes to Earth, and makes a new friend, Francis the sheep. He also makes a fairly accurate observation about human beings.

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Robot prototype comics

September 11, 2003 | Comics

The Good Little Robot - Prototype Strip - thumbnail

Who remembers Aibo?

These early Robot comics were an exercise in working out what I was thinking about the character, and his world.

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