I draw stories. – Page 38 of 39
I make comics, draw illustrations, and write about a miscellany of things.

Electric sheep
May 31, 2005 | Comics
In these comic strips, Robot has a snoring problem, and Robin has had enough. Robot goes to a sleep clinic, with expected results. Based on a true story!

Pretty kitty
May 17, 2005 | Comics
In these comic strips, Robot lets a stray cat in the house, much to Robin’s disapproval. Francis and Peaches think Robot is a carnival ride.

The week that was
May 10, 2005 | Comics
In these totally random comic strips it’s another week that was. Robot continues to elude the secret government agency somehow, experiences unreliable digital payment methods, and describes an exciting movie trailer very effectively.

Survey says
May 6, 2005 | Comics
In these data centric comic strips, Robin answers employee satisfaction survey questions for Robot. Robot is, shall we say, flexible with her answers.

Love and time and space
March 18, 2005 | Comics
In these comic strips, Robot learns of Docs lost love, and tries to help with a time travel device retrieved from the Galaxy Bus crash site. It goes about as well as you’d expect.

Odds and ends and weeks that don’t end
February 3, 2005 | Comics
In this assortment of fine comic strips, Robot has yet another typical week on Earth. He expresses his deep love for breakfast pastry, struggles with the self check-out machine at the grocery store, gets lost on a hike with Francis, and struggles with Seasonal Affective Disorder. On the up side, he has a killer idea for elevator improvements. Weee!

Hostage for the holidays
December 23, 2004 | Comics
In these comic strips, Robin goes to meet a man with a tip on a government conspiracy. Robot gets worried and goes looking for her. After all, they can’t miss the office Christmas party!

Halloween Hassle
November 4, 2004 | Comics
In these comic strips, Robot jumps feet first into a classic halloween celebration, and learns how to carve a pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern. He also learns a bit about time management. And pumpkin pie.